Beyond the Bulletin: How Councils Can Win Over Journalists’ Hearts

public relations Sep 03, 2024
Belfast City Council PR

In today’s digital age, a government public body like a council can no longer rely on press releases to get the word out. Building strong, authentic relationships with content creators and journalists is essential to effectively engage with the public. But what does that look like? Let’s dive into the art of PR relations and discover what makes them shine.

1. Transparency Is Your Golden Ticket

Journalists and content creators crave authenticity. They want to provide their audiences with accurate, reliable information. As a government body, it’s crucial to be transparent in your communications. Don’t sugarcoat or withhold information—it will only damage your credibility in the long run.

  • Quick Tip: When announcing new policies or updates, provide clear, jargon-free summaries alongside the detailed documents. This helps journalists and creators quickly understand the key points, saving time and making them more likely to cover your story.

2. Accessibility: Be There When They Need You

Nothing frustrates a journalist or content creator more than a slow or unresponsive PR team. When they’re on a tight deadline, they need answers fast. Being available and responsive will go a long way in building trust.

  • Quick Tip: Offer a dedicated press contact who can respond to inquiries within hours, not days. Consider setting up a 24/7 media line for urgent issues.

3. Know Your Audience (And Theirs)

Understanding who you’re talking to is key. Journalists often have beats, and content creators have niches. Tailor your approach to fit their audience’s interests. If a journalist covers environmental issues, pitch stories related to your council’s green initiatives. If a content creator focuses on community projects, highlight the local events your council is sponsoring.

  • Quick Tip: Keep a list of media contacts updated with their latest interests and coverage areas. Use it to customize your pitches to make them more relevant and appealing.

4. Offer Exclusive Content

Everyone loves an exclusive. Offering a scoop to a journalist or content creator can foster goodwill and ensure your message gets out there in a timely, prominent way. Exclusives can be a game-changer, whether it’s an early look at a new policy or behind-the-scenes access to a council event.

  • Quick Tip: Be strategic about who you offer exclusives to. Choose someone whose audience aligns well with your message.

5. Cultivate Long-Term Relationships

PR isn’t just about getting one story published; it’s about building ongoing relationships. Take the time to get to know journalists and content creators personally. Follow their work, engage with them on social media, and check in regularly—even when you don’t have a story to pitch.

  • Quick Tip: Host informal meet-and-greet sessions or virtual coffee chats to foster relationships without the pressure of a looming deadline.

6. Showcase the Human Side of the Council

Government bodies often seem faceless and bureaucratic, which can turn off audiences. Humanising your council can make it more relatable and engaging. Share stories about the people behind the policies, the council’s community efforts, and the positive impacts of its work.

  • Quick Tip: Use multimedia—videos, photos, and social media stories—to bring your council’s initiatives to life in a way that’s visually appealing and easy to share.

In a world where everyone is vying for attention, standing out as a government public body requires more than good intentions—it takes strategy, consistency, and a genuine effort to build meaningful connections.

By following these tips, your council can improve its PR relations and ensure that its voice is heard loud and clear.


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